Automobile insurance companies
Vehicle repair centers
Trucking Companies
Auto Salvage Yards
Body shops
Scrap Yards
Towing services
General Public
Both of our locations accept junk vehicles for recycling. We accept running and non-running cars, vans and trucks. We also buy trailers. We pay for metal and do charge a tire disposal fee for any semi truck tires or more than 5 tires per car.
To sell a vehicle, you will need proof of ownership (title).
Don’t forget that you will need a ride home. If you drive your vehicle to our facility to sell, remember to make arrangements for a ride to get home. We are unable to offer transport to individuals.
An online search will be done to verify vehicle is not stolen.
We guarantee timely and complete destruction of your equipment in a safe and secure environment, ensuring that your equipment does not end up in another company’s fleet. Clients are welcome to witness our turn-key recycling process at any time. Upon request, we will also provide clients with ‘Certificates of Destruction.’