You may not have ever considered hunting through your office to find ways to make money, but you should. You probably have a lot of cash worthy items you can bring to our recycling center. Here are three examples of old office items you can recycle.
Think twice before you dump those old broken copy machines in the trash. We offer cash for recyclable items, whether they’re broken or working. Let us get first dibs on your busted copy machines. You might be surprised at what we can offer you for them.
Computer monitors are on the list of items that we take at our center. Therefore, you shouldn’t dare think about tossing them when you replace them with upgraded monitors. Check us out and see what we can do with your monitors. We might be able to give you some cash you can invest back into your business.
Do you have some old TVs in the break room that you used to use for employees? Awesome! We take those too. In fact, you can probably make a substantial amount of cash if you do some “spring cleaning” in your office.
We are a trusted recycling company that serves the St. Louis area with great pride. We take a variety of items such as electronics, complete and incomplete automobiles, aluminum cans, batteries, motors, and so much more. We also have a convenient drive-thru recycling center and a drive-on scale for ferrous metals. Get in touch with us to find out how you can make money from the contents in your office today.
If you are not sure which office items we recycle, you can reach out to us and request a quote. Contact us here at Scrap Mart and let us know what you have to offer. If we can give you some cash for it, we certainly will.
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